Sunday, May 22, 2005

Collegeville 5-K for Arthritis

Wow! What a totally fun event! This was the most low-key run I've ever been to but it was awesome and I can't wait to spread the word for next year.

This race (really more of a fun run/walk) for the Arthritis Foundation was held about 10 minutes from my house so couldn't resist going especially when Brian's company, Centocor, agreed to pay the entry fees for employees and their families. They wanted to have a strong presence at this event since it's main sponsor is one of their corporate rivals. As it turns out, Centocor had 75 entrants -- probably half the field. They were giving out all kinds of Centocor stuff for us to wear including t-shirts, wristbands and visors. Awesome!

The 5K course was through a bunch of neighborhoods and was quite hilly but very serene. There was one cute little family working a water stop for us and even though I wasn't thirsty I had to take a drink from the cute little boys working the station.

I was having trouble keeping up the running on the hills and my IT band was starting to make itself known so I didn't want to push myself at all. I wound up finishing with Brian in just under 36 minutes and when we crossed the line the race guy pointed mentioned that Brian was the first walker.

We went to the post-race area and got the most awesome giveaways! Bottles of Advil liquigels, real chapstick, Centrum vitamins, Alavert cold medicine. Good stuff. And the food! Donuts, bagels and coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. Millions of bananas, Gatorade, iced tea, animal crackers and of course, water.

While we were eating they started with the awards -- I think just about everybody there got a prize! My sister got a gold medal for winning her age group (even though she was sick and almost stayed home because she didn't feel much like running) and Brian won an actual trophy and a really nice dri-fit shirt for being the Top Walker. It was great! They even had a bunch of door prizes so even if you didn't win an athletic medal you had a shot at something.

We had a really fun time and they did a great job with everything. I even e-mailed the promotions lady to tell them how much I loved it and that I planned to come back for sure next time.

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