Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Adventure racing is cool

I forgot to mention that on Saturday after Philly Fit there was this guy running an Adventure Racing training class at the park. He had a tent set up and all kinds of challenges with bikes and other stuff around for his group to work on. When I talked to him the people in his class were out on a running or biking orienteering task out in the park.

He has his own business TRYAD peronal training (get it -- TRY adventure) and he seemed totally hyper but also nice and super enthusiastic about getting people to try this sport that he loves. His next class is coming up in mid-July and it's going to be a little different because it's going to involve some water stuff (like kayak or canoe stuff) but I'm interested in learning more. I don't really see me doing anything crazy like the ECO-challenge or anything like that but there are smaller adventure races in the area that have cycling, running and map skills and I think that's pretty cool. I saw some people out last week during my run and this Tryad guy told me they were part of a 24 hour adventure race. Yikes! I'm sure not ready for that.

Here's a blurb from his website:

"Adventure training mostly utilizes the great outdoors as a way to achieve your fitness goals. Picture a boot camp, but more fun. Running/hiking, biking, canoeing or kayaking, plus throw in a few physical and mental challenges and a partner. Bam! You have adventure training. "

Sounds pretty fun!

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