Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Update

Not much going on around here. I finally ran last night - first time since the Ultra. It was fine but the humidity was gross.

I've been tracking my calories with my new, awesome, iPhone, and hopefuly this will help me lose a little bit of weight before the Baltimore marathon but so far it's not deterring me from eating lunch out all the time. It has steered me away from a couple of late-night pop tarts though.

Tomorrow I have 15 on the schedule for Baltimore but USA Fit is only going 10 so hopefully I will have enough motivation to log the extra five miles. If I don't, I'll probably wind up doing more miles on Sunday than I am currently planning.

USA Fit Philly is now sending 6 red team members to the Goofy Challenge -- how awesome is that?

I'm considering starting the 200 sit-up challenge and the 200 squat challenge. More on that later....

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