Sunday, November 25, 2007

CW-X Xtra Support Review (the white and purple one)

It's awesome! I can't deny that $55 is a total ripoff but it works great.

Once you wedge it on over your head (maybe this is easy for other people but I am pretty uncoordinated and found it rather difficult) it's like you aren't even wearing anything. And it doesn't let anything move at all. Exactly what I'm looking for in an undergarment.

I've worn it on a few runs - so far the longest is 8 miles - but it's comfortable and not a hint of chafe. I'll be cruising the internet searching for bargain rates on this one so I can add more to the collection. It will be great to get rid of the stockpile of ratty things I'm wearing now. Especially since they're going to seem even worse now that I've found this great item.

The other model CW-X that I bought - the regular sport version - I could tell right off the bat that I wouldn't want to run in it. Way too bouncy. I'm not sending it back though because I think it'll be just fine for walking/hiking/cycling or going to the gym to do weights (as if I ever actually do that!)

UPDATE: the "sport model" CW-X that I said wouldn't work for running? It works just fine (at least up to 5 miles). I've worn it twice now without any problems or discomfort.

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