Monday, June 13, 2005

I have to start running outside!

I thought I'd die it was so hot on the treadmill this morning! I even dug out a fan to blow on me but it only hit me from about the knees down so it really was pointless. I need to find a better spot for it before tomorrow of I need to take it outside -- and that will mean getting up even earlier I think.

I did my 30 minutes today only I wimped out on the last 2 and walked them instead of running. I was just so hot and sweaty I couldn't force myself to do it. WIMP! I was running slow too so I only covered 2.75 in my 32 minutes including the warm up and final 2 minute walk. Other than being a total sweatball the run was good. Probably because I never pushed it above 5.4 (11:06?) and most of it was at 5.2 (11:30 or so). I get really worried about not making myself go faster but I know that that is dumb. This isn't about fast for me yet - or at least it shouldn't be.

We walked for about 7 miles yesterady so despite skipping my Thursday run I'm only one mile in the hole according to my master schedule.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to do 45 minutes of hills. I'm not sure if I want to go to Valley Forge to run the loop or break out Pete the Trainer & his hill workout. We shall see.

Best song of the run: Lose Yourself - Eminem (who probably would have died had he known he was followed by Barry Manilow! I love the iPod!)

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