Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Legs of Lead

Blah! I went for a post-work run and it was AWFUL. I did the same as Sunday only this time I timed myself.

Lap 1 and Lap 4 is the mystery distance between the start of the trail and the first clear mile marker. My guess is that it's more than a mile but less than a mile and a half. I can't wait until all the construction is gone so there is no more mystery!

Lap 1: 14:34
Lap 2: 10:53
Lap 3: 11:40
Lap 4: 12:53

Total Time: 50:02

Time of the 50:02 where I felt lousy? About 45 minutes of it! I'm guessing the first five minutes of walking were OK.

Tomorrow I find out about New York. Right now I'm hoping I don't get in because the thought of running a marathon makes me cringe.

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